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Instant Payday Loans | Easy Guaranteed Approval

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Do Instant Payday Loans Really Exist?

If you have ever found yourself in a tricky financial situation, you may only have a few options. You could cut back your expenses, sell possessions or apply for a personal loan. Another option is a payday loan.
A payday loan works much like a personal short-term loan and is used to cover immediate cash needs until your next paycheck. They are ideal for things like car repairs, medical expenses, sudden job loss or just to cover overdrawn accounts.
Having a guaranteed payday loan that approves any credit score is sometimes the best solution for those struggling to get credit elsewhere, who also need the cash fast.

Do Instant Payday Loans Really Exist?

Getting a payday loan is relatively straightforward and in most cases, you will qualify if you meet the basic requirements. These include being over 18 years old, having a verified source of income, an active checking account and a valid ID. Different lenders may have different criteria so it’s worth checking that before applying.

How Does a Instant Payday Loan Work?

Payday loans work in a few simple steps. Generally, you will need to assess your financial situation first to see what your credit score is. With this information, you can find a lender to suit your needs. In some cases, you may need to find a lender who is flexible for those with poor credit.
Once you are happy with a lender, you simply need to submit the information they require, send off the application and wait for a decision. Payday lenders tend to work fast so you should get a response within a day. Our service aims to find you a lender which can provide the funds within 24 hours. This is ideal if you have a sudden expense to cover such as a car repair.

Are Instant Payday Loans Legitimate?

Payday loans are a legitimate type of short-term personal loan. They work much in the same way as regular personal loans. Providing you hit the criteria for the loan, modern payday lenders can work to provide you with fast cash.

Do Instant Approval Loans for Those With Bad Credit Even Exist?

While there is no 100% guarantee that you will be accepted for a payday loan, most payday lenders will accept those with bad credit. Payday loans are one of the preferred sources of finance for those who are usually turned down from other types of personal loan.

Makes Sure You Meet All Eligibility Requirements Before Applying

The first thing you will need to do when applying for a payday loan is to check the eligibility requirements beforehand. Having a quick look at the requirements before applying will give you a good indication of whether you will be accepted or not. If you are rejected, this could impact your credit score, so it’s best to be fully prepared.

Submit The Correct Information

Each lender will require different pieces of information from you so it’s important you submit everything they ask for. Not doing so will likely slow your application down so before you apply, spend some time checking what is needed.

Work On Your Credit Score

While payday loans are accepted for those with poor credit, your credit score is still important. If you have a good credit score, you will be seen as less of a risk to the lender. In response, the lender will likely offer you a better interest rate or a higher credit limit which will make the loan more affordable.

Meet Affordability Checks

Payday lenders will typically want to look at your income to check you can afford the loan. As long as you have a regular income, you will likely be accepted. In some cases, you may be able to get a payday loan without a regular job, but this will be up to the lender.

Borrow What You Need

It’s tempting to borrow as much as you can get accepted for but the best thing to do is to be conservative with the amount you need. Borrowing larger amounts than you need will increase your costs and take you longer to pay the balance down.

The Pros and Cons of Payday Loans

Payday loans can be extremely helpful and convenient but there are pros and cons of this type of loan.

  • Fast access to cash – Most payday loans aim to give you the money within a day or two which makes them a convenient way to get quick cash.
  • Easy to apply – Payday loans are both easy to access and apply for which makes them ideal for those who have trouble getting other types of credit.
  • Fewer requirements – Payday loans generally have fewer requirements for approval. Traditional lenders usually want lots of information to verify you. To get accepted for a payday loan, you will typically only need to be over 18, able to verify your identity and have some form of income.
  • Higher interest rates – Payday loans tend to have higher interest rates attached which can make them a costly way to get cash. The APR on regular personal loans can range from 12-30%, but for payday loans, the APR can be in the triple figures. However, some state laws have a maximum amount that payday lenders can charge.
  • Easy to get stuck in a cycle – As payday lenders make it easy to access fast cash, it’s easy to make taking out a payday loan a habit. This can lead some people to get stuck in a cycle where they are always in debt.
  • Payday loans won’t help you build credit – Generally, payday lenders don’t report to the credit bureaus so these loans won’t help you build your credit score.

How To Apply For Instant Payday Loans

Applying for payday loans is designed to be as simple as possible. Payday Depot aims to provide fast decisions and more importantly, fast cash. The whole process can be completed online at any time during the day in just a matter of minutes.

You will need a few pieces of information ready such as your residence ID, your social security number, an email address, proof of age, proof of income and an active personal bank account. Having these ready will make your application go much smoother and you should receive a response quickly.

The team behind Payday Depot aims to have your application processed within a few hours. Once your application is approved, you only need to sign the document online with an e-signature and the funds will be allocated to you as soon as the signature is received.


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Are payday loans the same as installment loans?

No, payday loans and installment loans are different. Payday loans are short-term loans repaid on the borrower's next payday, while installment loans are repaid in multiple fixed installments over a longer period.

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How much can I borrow with a payday loan?

No, payday loans and installment loans are different. Payday loans are short-term loans repaid on the borrower's next payday, while installment loans are repaid in multiple fixed installments over a longer period.No, payday loans and installment loans are different. Payday loans are short-term loans repaid on the borrower's next payday, while installment loans are repaid in multiple fixed installments over a longer period.

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Is it possible to get out of a debt cycle caused by payday loans?

Is it possible to get out of a debt cycle caused by payday loans?Is it possible to get out of a debt cycle caused by payday loans?Is it possible to get out of a debt cycle caused by payday loans?Is it possible to get out of a debt cycle caused by payday loans?Is it possible to get out of a debt cycle caused by payday loans?Is it possible to get out of a debt cycle caused by payday loans?Is it possible to get out of a debt cycle caused by payday loans?

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Can I extend a payday loan?

No, payday loans and installment loans are different. Payday loans are short-term loans repaid on the borrower's next payday, while installment loans are repaid in multiple fixed installments over a longer period.No, payday loans and installment loans are different. Payday loans are short-term loans repaid on the borrower's next payday, while installment loans are repaid in multiple fixed installments over a longer period.No, payday loans and installment loans are different. Payday loans are short-term loans repaid on the borrower's next payday, while installment loans are repaid in multiple fixed installments over a longer period.

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